Friday, January 07, 2011

Ain't No Party Like a Lego Party

I am never renting another movie again. Not checking one out from a library. Not borrowing one from a neighbor. If I do not own said DVD, it will not be in my or my family's possession. I watched this one episode of Community where there was a monkey who would steal pens and other items and hide them, collecting them in a big pile in the school's heating duct. I am convinced that I also have a monkey (by the name of Aidan)in my home who has a penchant for DVDs, hiding them somewhere in the drop ceiling or in a secret hidden chamber located in the basement.

I wish I knew the location of that chamber because I could really use the extra storage space. Alas, it is hidden from my view. My question is this: Why does it have to be DVDs? How is it possible that I can check out 57 kids books from the library with nary a problem, but I borrow 1 Bob the Builder DVD and it slips away into oblivion? (sinking to my knees raising my arms in a questioning manner to God) Why? Why me? Why DVDs?

Why can't he lose Happy Meal toys? Or the rocks he insists on collecting every time we walk by a flower bed? I just know that as we speak the DVDs are partying it up with all of the Hot Wheels cars I've bought him over the past two years. I've probably gotten him 274 Hot Wheels cars, and I'll bet if I search really hard I could produce 17 to show for it. I know they're somewhere putting on a mini Brickyard 400 using the lost DVD cases as their track. I can see the lost Lego men of yesteryear (a few pirates, including the one with the peg leg, a knight or two, a fireman, and of course a special edition-Star Wars storm trooper and Luke Skywalker)cheering them on from the stands made of old washed-up Duplo blocks that have been thrown into storage. They're living the high life on my dime while I'm up to my neck in late-fees.

Trevor just spent the past two hours scouring the house looking for Cars. Of all movies to lose. The one that we've already purchased at least twice (maybe three times?) because it's Aidan's favorite movie. The one that, if I weren't such a devout Christian, I would have saved on our computer to burn extra copies so I wouldn't be in this mess. This little war I'm involved in is just getting downright insulting. Now all three of Aidan's Cars movies (in both wide screen and full screen editions)are in cahoots.

I'm going to give them a couple of days. Pretend I don't care if I find them. They're going to have to come out for fresh air and rations eventually. Then, I'll be ready for them. They won't know what hit them.

Now it's not even about finding the movie. Now it's a matter of principle. I'm stubborn. I'm not going to give up until I either find it or I get really really tired. Or hungry. Or bored. Or find something better to do.

Ah yes, that sounds more like the truth. It's amazing how quickly our tenacity gets drained from us when things get wearisome. We're so easily discouraged and quickly give up on what we should fight the hardest for.

I've been thinking about how many times I hear people saying they wish they had a closer relationship with God. I've uttered those words myself more times than I can count. I've realized that knowing God and developing a deeper relationship with Him takes time. It takes work. And frankly, a lot of us get too lazy and impatient to see real results.

It's not a matter of whether or not God will reveal Himself to us. It's not a guessing game of whether or not He will show up. He's already made His promise.
In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me.
Jeremiah 29:12-13

Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you.
James 4:8

The LORD is wonderfully good to those who wait for him and seek him.
Lamentations 3:25
God's given us His word that when we seek Him, we will find Him. It sounds like He's waiting for us. Waiting for us to what?

For one, I think He's waiting for us to seek Him earnestly. Notice it doesn't say "seek me halfheartedly." It says "If you look for me in earnest."
Earnest-Marked by or showing deep sincerity or seriousness God wants us to take Him seriously. He's our top priority. Not a once-a-week commitment. Not something to be put on the back burner.

Also, I think sometimes we need to come to him and repent of our sins. We need to come to Him and allow Him to make our hearts pure, so that we may commune with Him.
Who may climb the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?
Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies.
They will receive the LORD's blessing and have right standing with God their savior.
They alone may enter God's presence and worship the God of Israel.

Psalm 24:3-6

The high and lofty one who inhabits eternity, the Holy One, says this: "I live in that high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I refresh the humble and give new courage to those with repentant hearts.
Isaiah 57:15

Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, you hypocrites.
James 4:8

I will strive to seek God more than the trinkets of this world. (even lost DVDs) Let us boldly approach the throne of grace because of our redemption through Christ Jesus our Lord.